Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hiking among the lava flows

Hiking among the lava flows

Our group, led by Craters of the Moon park ranger Rebecca, hikes along the trail at the base of Broken Top cinder cone with Pahoehoe lava flows to their left. This image was taken with my 24mm lens and an exposure of 1/200 seconds at f/8, ISO 100.

This panorama shows the lava flows between Broken Top cinder cone (behind the photographer) and Big Cinder Butte at the left in this pan.  This image was built from 7 frames taken with my 24mm lens on my 20D.

This is a Pahoehoe flow along the trail.  You can see a bluish tint to some of the surface layer.  The image was obtained with my 24mm lens with an exposure of 1/200 seconds at f/8, ISO 100.

The section of this Pahoehoe lava was pushed up after it cooled so that you can see the layering inside.  This image was taken with my 24mm lens and an exposure of 1/160 seconds at f/8, ISO 100.


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