Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Great Rift

The Great Rift

This panorama was assembled from 9 images taken with my 24mm lens on my 20D during our visit to Craters of the Moon National Monument at the end of our Ranger led Broken Top Hike more than 2 weeks ago.  It shows a section of the "Great Rift", a  fracture that is the cause of the Craters of the Moon lava flows.  You can trace the sources of the lava flows to sources right along the Great Rift, from its north end to its south end.

The leftmost image from the pan shows the flank of Broken Top cinder cone on the right as well as distant cones in the background that run along the Great Rift to the north.  This image was taken with my 24mm lens on my 20D and an exposure of 1/160 seconds at f/8, ISO 100.

The rightmost image in the pan shows the flank of Broken Top cinder cone on the left as well as the flank of Big Cinder Butte on the right with the Great Rift running generally southward towards the cinder cone.  This image was taken with my 24mm lens looking into the sun with an exposure of 1/100 seconds at f/8, ISO 100.


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