Friday, August 24, 2012

Usher Wins Primary Custody of Two Children

Usher Wins Primary Custody of Two Children

It's been long and it's been ugly, but for Usher Raymond, it's all been worth it:

A judge has awarded the singer primary custody of the two children he shares with ex-wife Tameka Foster.

The case has gone back and forth for months, with Foster alleging that Usher was an irresponsible father who took drugs in front of his kids. Accusations of infidelity, inattentiveness and a great deal of name-calling have also been tossed around by both sides. Usher even cried once on the witness stand.

Usher R.

But the court has now sided with Usher and the former couple's sons will spend a majority of time with their father.

Foster will receive some custodial rights, but it's unclear at the moment just how the arrangement will work.



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