Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bow Wow Gay Photo Sparks Twitter War, Threat Against Hacker

Bow Wow Gay Photo Sparks Twitter War, Threat Against Hacker

It's safe to say that Bow Wow is no Frank Ocean.

While the latter came out as bisexual in a Tumblr entry last month, the rapper is just a slight bit angry over a Twitter prank this week that implied he was a homosexual.

For a brief period of time, the following picture appeared on Bow Wow's account. It speaks for itself:

Bow Wow Twit pic

The image has since been deleted and the perpetrator - a Twitter user who goes by the handle "@7_I_Am" - identified, but Bow Wow won't rest until the dude pays the price for daring to make such a suggestion.

“i got 2500$ to any Detroit n*gga that finds @7_I_Am and slaps the piss outta dis n*gga," Bow Wow Tweeted in response to the joke.

Do we approve of computer hacking? No. But should Bow Wow calm the heck down and perhaps not come across as such a giant homophobe? Probably.


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