Thursday, August 23, 2012

What it looks like to build your own island (14 Photos)

What it looks like to build your own island (14 Photos)

The method of building man-made islands is becoming popular in places like Dubai where there isn't enough coastline to go around and yet there are people with enough money to do something about it. The sand is sprayed by dredging ships on to the required area in a process known as rainbowing because of the arcs in the air when the sand is sprayed. Later, a rocky perimeter or "barrier reef" is set up around the island that acts as a breakwater. Each rock has to be placed individually by a massive crane. Needless to say, these man-made islands don't come cheap. Even the sand has to be specifically chosen to stand the test of time. Some types of sand are too dense and would sink, while others are too light and would slowly blow away over time. These particular islands are made from sand that came from the coast of the Persian Gulf.


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