Thursday, August 23, 2012

Craters of the Moon Lava

Craters of the Moon Lava

This view from the edge of the North Crater lava flows shows the brown and grey color of the A'a lava.  In the distance is 300,000 year old Big Butte from much earlier volcanic activity.  Craters of the Moon has been active from about 15,000 years ago to about 2,000 years ago and may continue its activity in the future.  Unlike nearby Yellowstone, Craters of the Moon is a rift volcano with many small cinder cones and spatter cones issuing long lava flows.  The activity is concentrated along the "Great Rift" which runs along a roughly N-S line through the area.  This image was taken with my 24mm lens with an exposure of 1/250 seconds at f/8, ISO 100.

It was interesting to look closely at the lava rocks  This closeup was taken with my Nexus Android smartphone camera looking through my 10x hand magnifier.

This shows the rock as a whole - the closeup area is near the middle top of the rock in this orientation.  The rock is rotated a little counter clockwise from the view through the magnifier above.  This image was also taken with my Nexus Android smartphone camera.


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