Thursday, August 23, 2012

The view from Dead Indian Summit Overlook

The view from Dead Indian Summit Overlook

The view from Dead Indian Summit Overlook on Friday July 27 was quite spectacular as the view westward generally towards Yellowstone National Park show the steep mountain road on the right-center foreground and valleys and mountain ranges as we stopped here along the road between Cody Wyoming and the Northeast Entrance to the park.  Along the way, the road is steep and winding before entering the valley generally to the right third of this image and heading towards Montana to the Northwest of here.  You can even see some snow on the peaks just left of center on the horizon.  This 8 frame panorama taken with my 24mm lens and exposures of 1/500 seconds at f/5.6, ISO 100 and was assembled with the Hugin Panorama Creator under Linux.

While at the overlook, quite a large crew of Chipmunks and Squirrels were there and not only entertaining fellow travelers, but happy to accept a small gratuity (of food, of course) from them.  This little guy didn't want to miss out on the activities as he climbed over rocks to get to the crowd of critters and humans.  This image was taken with my 75-300mm lens at 300mm focal length with an exposure of 1/800 seconds at f/5.6, ISO 100.

This picture is a 2nd squirrel munching a potato chip given to him by one of the other tourists.  Both these guys were around 5 inches long (head and body less the tail) and I suspect they are Sierra Nevada Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrels. This image was taken at 300mm focal length with an exposure of 1/800 seconds at f/5.6, ISO 100.

I didn't get a very good shot of the little guy below.  He's got the pointier snout of a chipmunk along with the markings on his head and he was a little smaller than the other critters.  This shot was taken at 300mm focal length with an exposure of 1/1000 seconds at f/5.6, ISO 100.


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